
How to become Nojoto Stars

Let’s celebrate the power of Storytelling!

Nojoto Awards are a way to celebrate the hard work of creators who pour their heart and soul, and we’re honored to celebrate their milestones.

Nojoto Star Awards

Bronze Star

Bronze Star

100K Views/Love
Silver Star

Silver Star

1 Mn Views/Love
Gold Star

Gold Star

10 Mn Views/Love
Diamond Star

Diamond Star

100 Mn Views/Love

Monthly Top Leaders

Top Live Creator

Top Streak Creators

Ranking based on Total number of stories , consecutive number of story days and engagement on stories by a Creator.

Top 1 Rs 1000.00 & Certificate
Top 2 Rs 500.00 & Certificate
Top 3 - 10 Rs 100.00 & Certificate
Top 11 - 100 Rs 20.00
Top Gifter

Top Gifter

Ranking based on Total Amount of Gifts given in the current month by a Person.

Top 1 Rs 500.00 & Certificate
Top 2 Rs 250.00 & Certificate
Top 3 - 10 Rs 50.00 & Certificate
Top 11 - 100 Rs 10.00
Top Live Creator

Top Live Creator

Ranking based on Overall Time Spent of All Live Shows created in the current month by a Creator.

Top 1 Rs 500.00 & Certificate
Top 2 Rs 250.00 & Certificate
Top 3 - 10 Rs 100.00 & Certificate
Top 11 - 100 Rs 10.00
Top Creators

Top Video Creators

Ranking based on Views on all Stories created in the current month by a Creator

Top 1 Rs 500.00 & Certificate
Top 2 Rs 150.00 & Certificate
Top 3 - 10 Rs 50.00 & Certificate
Top 11 - 100 Rs 10.00
Rising Creators

Rising Creators

Ranking based on Views of all Stories Created in the current month by a New Creator

Top 1 Rs 250.00 & Certificate
Top 2 Rs 100.00 & Certificate
Top 3 - 10 Rs 25.00 & Certificate
Top 11 - 100 Rs 10.00
Top Earning Creator

Top Earning Creators

Ranking based on Total Earning in the current month by a Creator

Top 1 Rs 1500.00 & Certificate
Top 2 Rs 700.00 & Certificate
Top 3 - 10 Rs 300.00 & Certificate
Top 11 - 100 Rs 30.00
Top Referrers

Top Referrers

Ranking based on total referrals in the current month by a person.

Top 1 Rs 1000.00 & Certificate
Top 2 Rs 500.00 & Certificate
Top 3 - 10 Rs 100.00 & Certificate
Top 11 - 100 Rs 20.00


  • For Top Creator, Rising Creator, Top Earning Creator, Top Gifter & Top Referrers - the amount will be credited in your Nojoto wallet at the end of the month based on the Ranks on month end automatically.
  • For any account - if any content is found copyrighted or any malicious activity is detected then the users will be removed from the Nojoto Stars Leaderboard.
  • The Rewards & Certificates will be given based on Leaderboard ranking from 1st Nov'21.

Benefits of getting Nojoto Awards



  • Awards will be visible on your Profile
  • Certificate of Appreciation through Email
  • Become face of Nojoto Campaigns



  • Access to Nojoto Creator Team who will help you

How it works

Tell your Story to the World

  • Record, Upload or edit Videos with tools designed to make your story sound fantastic.

Internal Review

  • When you reach the milestone, Nojoto Creator Team reviews your profile if the content shared is original and copyright free.
  • Once approved, you will be notified via message, Email and/or SMS.

Badge & Trophy Allotment

  • You will see a small badge against your name in the profile.
  • And a lot of rewards and product features will be unlocked for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I crossed the required Views/Love on Nojoto, how would I get the Badges?
    You don't have to do anything. The Internal Team will automatically review it, and approve it.
  • How do I get more Views/Love on Nojoto?
    Make longer engaging videos.
    Further, you can boost your Stories on Nojoto.
  • What does badges mean on Nojoto?
    The level of badge showcases the influence and impact creator has on Nojoto and the world.
  • Can my badge be removed?
    Yes, if found violating policies and terms of use of Nojoto.

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