Letter for boys This is an open letter for all the

"Letter for boys"

 Letter for boys

Letter for boys

This is an open letter for all the boys and men out there. From the past few days I've been thinking to write about stereotypes which men have to face on a daily basis but my mind never came up with an authentic idea for this particular issue although now I've decided to express my opinions regarding these ignorant social problems which victimize men every single day.

These are some illogical stereotypes without any evident scientific evidence or explanation. For example the first and foremost stereotype which a guy has to face from his childhood, is that he can't cry or else he will be entitled as a weakling. Tears don't make men weak, fragile, girly or vulnerable rather crying is also a sign of strength; it shows that the person is brave enough to confront with the symptoms of distress and anxiety. When we keep things bottled up inside of our hearts it gradually transforms into a malicious monster which can be perilous for our health.

Secondly, men are also told that house chores aren't their job to do, it's a womanly thing and they should avoid it in order to maintain their masculinity. It's such a pity that the society teaches these kinds of trashy theories to the little boys who develop a false faith about their personality while stepping into adulthood. There's no harm in learning to fold your shirt or clean up the bed, doing the dishes or washing clothes while helping your mom or any other female companion present in your life. If a man knows to do the househores he can easily help his significant other and also become independent from his side. Boys, doing househores can indirectly become a part of your daily workout session.

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