A note, a whisper, Falling like autumn leaves, Cas | English Poetry

"A note, a whisper, Falling like autumn leaves, Cascades of sound, Filling the empty spaces Of a heart once still. Strings hum, a silent call, Pulses, beating rhythms, A dance of fingers, Brushing against the wind, Lost in a timeless embrace. A melody unfolds, Cracks in the silence, Echoes of forgotten dreams, Glimmers of starlight, Caught in a net of chords. The piano weeps, Soft and tender, A lullaby for the weary, A refuge for the broken, Notes dissolving into twilight. Trumpets burst, golden dawn, A clarion call, a new day, Feet tapping, hearts racing, In the dance of life, Where music is the soul's language. Whispers of a violin, Lonely yet hopeful, A story untold, Written in the spaces Between the rising and falling notes. A drumbeat, the heartbeat, Of a thousand souls, Unified, transcendent, Bound by invisible threads, Woven into a tapestry of sound. Guitar strings sing, Voices intertwining, A harmony born of chaos, Finding order, finding peace, In the symphony of existence. And there, in the quiet aftermath, Where echoes fade to nothing, A silence filled with promise, A space where music begins anew, In the scribbles of a poet's mind. ©twisha ray"

 A note, a whisper,
Falling like autumn leaves,
Cascades of sound,
Filling the empty spaces
Of a heart once still.
Strings hum, a silent call,
Pulses, beating rhythms,
A dance of fingers,
Brushing against the wind,
Lost in a timeless embrace.
A melody unfolds,
Cracks in the silence,
Echoes of forgotten dreams,
Glimmers of starlight,
Caught in a net of chords.
The piano weeps,
Soft and tender,
A lullaby for the weary,
A refuge for the broken,
Notes dissolving into twilight.
Trumpets burst, golden dawn,
A clarion call, a new day,
Feet tapping, hearts racing,
In the dance of life,
Where music is the soul's language.
Whispers of a violin,
Lonely yet hopeful,
A story untold,
Written in the spaces
Between the rising and falling notes.
A drumbeat, the heartbeat,
Of a thousand souls,
Unified, transcendent,
Bound by invisible threads,
Woven into a tapestry of sound.
Guitar strings sing,
Voices intertwining,
A harmony born of chaos,
Finding order, finding peace,
In the symphony of existence.
And there, in the quiet aftermath,
Where echoes fade to nothing,
A silence filled with promise,
A space where music begins anew,
In the scribbles of a poet's mind.

©twisha ray

A note, a whisper, Falling like autumn leaves, Cascades of sound, Filling the empty spaces Of a heart once still. Strings hum, a silent call, Pulses, beating rhythms, A dance of fingers, Brushing against the wind, Lost in a timeless embrace. A melody unfolds, Cracks in the silence, Echoes of forgotten dreams, Glimmers of starlight, Caught in a net of chords. The piano weeps, Soft and tender, A lullaby for the weary, A refuge for the broken, Notes dissolving into twilight. Trumpets burst, golden dawn, A clarion call, a new day, Feet tapping, hearts racing, In the dance of life, Where music is the soul's language. Whispers of a violin, Lonely yet hopeful, A story untold, Written in the spaces Between the rising and falling notes. A drumbeat, the heartbeat, Of a thousand souls, Unified, transcendent, Bound by invisible threads, Woven into a tapestry of sound. Guitar strings sing, Voices intertwining, A harmony born of chaos, Finding order, finding peace, In the symphony of existence. And there, in the quiet aftermath, Where echoes fade to nothing, A silence filled with promise, A space where music begins anew, In the scribbles of a poet's mind. ©twisha ray

Music whisper

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