Understand that your friends don’t wanna talk ever | English Lif

"Understand that your friends don’t wanna talk every day. Understand that your love partner doesn’t wanna be lovely or super indulgent every day. Lots of people need rest from performative emotions. All people need rest in general. It doesn’t mean they don’t love you Being the person to heal your family lineage is not easy. You carry all the weight on your shoulders. You swallow all the trauma, karma, shame, bad memories, and secrets of your family so you can blank the canvas for the next generation. If this is you, it’s okay to change new habits ©twisha ray "

Understand that your friends don’t wanna talk every day. Understand that your love partner doesn’t wanna be lovely or super indulgent every day. Lots of people need rest from performative emotions. All people need rest in general. It doesn’t mean they don’t love you Being the person to heal your family lineage is not easy. You carry all the weight on your shoulders. You swallow all the trauma, karma, shame, bad memories, and secrets of your family so you can blank the canvas for the next generation. If this is you, it’s okay to change new habits ©twisha ray

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