White Jumu’ah Checklist • Ghusl: Take a purificat | English

"White Jumu’ah Checklist • Ghusl: Take a purification bath. • Clean clothes: Dress neatly. • Surah al-Kahf: Protection from Dajjal. • Arrive early: Gain more rewards. • Tahiyyat al-Masjid: Two rak’āt upon entering. • Khutbah: Listen attentively. • Jumu’ah prayer: Two rak’āt with congregation. • Du’ā: Especially before Maghrib. • Salawāt: Send blessings on the Prophet ﷺ ©zubiyaeshams"

 White Jumu’ah Checklist

• Ghusl: Take a purification bath.
• Clean clothes: Dress neatly.
• Surah al-Kahf: Protection from Dajjal.
• Arrive early: Gain more rewards.
• Tahiyyat al-Masjid: Two rak’āt upon entering.
• Khutbah: Listen attentively.
• Jumu’ah prayer: Two rak’āt with congregation.
• Du’ā: Especially before Maghrib.
• Salawāt: Send blessings on the Prophet ﷺ


White Jumu’ah Checklist • Ghusl: Take a purification bath. • Clean clothes: Dress neatly. • Surah al-Kahf: Protection from Dajjal. • Arrive early: Gain more rewards. • Tahiyyat al-Masjid: Two rak’āt upon entering. • Khutbah: Listen attentively. • Jumu’ah prayer: Two rak’āt with congregation. • Du’ā: Especially before Maghrib. • Salawāt: Send blessings on the Prophet ﷺ ©zubiyaeshams


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