Alone and You Loneliness a poem😶 Loneliness i | English Love Video

"Alone and You Loneliness a poem😶 Loneliness is a shadow that creeps in, A feeling that seeps under the skin. It whispers secrets in the night, And holds us tight with its cold and bitter might. It's a companion that we wish we could shake, But it's a part of us, a part we can't escape. It's a weight that we carry on our shoulders, A constant reminder of our lost loves and missed holders. But in the midst of the dark and the cold, We must remember that we are not alone. For in the silence, there's a beauty untold, And in the loneliness, our strength can be honed. So let the shadow linger for a while, For it will pass, and the sun will shine. And though we may be lonely for a mile, We will find love, and our hearts will entwine.❤ ©KhaultiSyahi "

Alone and You Loneliness a poem😶 Loneliness is a shadow that creeps in, A feeling that seeps under the skin. It whispers secrets in the night, And holds us tight with its cold and bitter might. It's a companion that we wish we could shake, But it's a part of us, a part we can't escape. It's a weight that we carry on our shoulders, A constant reminder of our lost loves and missed holders. But in the midst of the dark and the cold, We must remember that we are not alone. For in the silence, there's a beauty untold, And in the loneliness, our strength can be honed. So let the shadow linger for a while, For it will pass, and the sun will shine. And though we may be lonely for a mile, We will find love, and our hearts will entwine.❤ ©KhaultiSyahi

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