And everyone said that the night brings loneliness | English Love

"And everyone said that the night brings loneliness and separation from our lover, Hardly did they knew that The night brings moon, It showers the love everywhere through it's moonlight. Night doesn't brings loneliness, it gives you time to know yourself better, to grow, to know love and importance of your lover! Just switch off the lights of your room And look at the moon, It becomes the medium to let two souls connect! ©red_rose431"

 And everyone said that the night
brings loneliness and separation from our lover, 
Hardly did they knew that
The night brings moon,
It showers the love everywhere 
through it's moonlight.

Night doesn't brings loneliness, 
it gives you time to know yourself better, 
to grow, to know love and importance of your lover!

Just switch off the lights of your room
And look at the moon, 
It becomes the medium to let two souls connect!


And everyone said that the night brings loneliness and separation from our lover, Hardly did they knew that The night brings moon, It showers the love everywhere through it's moonlight. Night doesn't brings loneliness, it gives you time to know yourself better, to grow, to know love and importance of your lover! Just switch off the lights of your room And look at the moon, It becomes the medium to let two souls connect! ©red_rose431

#Souls #Moon #Night #Loneliness

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