Life is like a cup of water—simple and essential. | English Life

"Life is like a cup of water—simple and essential. Sometimes it's clear and refreshing, other times it’s filled with unexpected flavors. How we drink it, savoring every drop or gulping it down, shapes our experience and determines our appreciation for the moments in between. ©twisha ray"

 Life is like a cup of water—simple and essential. Sometimes it's clear and refreshing, other times it’s filled with unexpected flavors. How we drink it, savoring every drop or gulping it down, shapes our experience and determines our appreciation for the moments in between.

©twisha ray

Life is like a cup of water—simple and essential. Sometimes it's clear and refreshing, other times it’s filled with unexpected flavors. How we drink it, savoring every drop or gulping it down, shapes our experience and determines our appreciation for the moments in between. ©twisha ray

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