A life of routine, some might say, Is dull and gr | English Poetry Vi

" A life of routine, some might say, Is dull and grey, day after day. But I find beauty in the everyday, A rhythm that soothes, a pace that sways. The familiar comforts, the steady beat, A sense of security, a calm repeat. No drama, no stress, just peaceful ease, A life that flows like a gentle breeze. In quiet moments, I find my strength, A chance to reflect, to recharge at length. No noise, no fray, just stillness deep, A time to connect, to listen, to keep. So let the world outside be loud and wild, I'll cherish my calm, my quiet child. For in this boring life, I find my peace, A sense of contentment, my soul's release. ©twisha ray "

A life of routine, some might say, Is dull and grey, day after day. But I find beauty in the everyday, A rhythm that soothes, a pace that sways. The familiar comforts, the steady beat, A sense of security, a calm repeat. No drama, no stress, just peaceful ease, A life that flows like a gentle breeze. In quiet moments, I find my strength, A chance to reflect, to recharge at length. No noise, no fray, just stillness deep, A time to connect, to listen, to keep. So let the world outside be loud and wild, I'll cherish my calm, my quiet child. For in this boring life, I find my peace, A sense of contentment, my soul's release. ©twisha ray


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