Life of a Teacher is like that of the labours who | English Quotes

"Life of a Teacher is like that of the labours who built Taj Mahal, once made...its known by Taj Mahal... And no-one even cares to know the hardwork of these labours... step into this profession only if you don't ought to get any identity... ©Anup Kr"

 Life of a Teacher is like that of the labours who built Taj Mahal,
once made...its known by 
Taj Mahal...
And no-one even cares to know the hardwork of these labours...
step into this profession only if you don't ought to get any identity...

©Anup Kr

Life of a Teacher is like that of the labours who built Taj Mahal, once made...its known by Taj Mahal... And no-one even cares to know the hardwork of these labours... step into this profession only if you don't ought to get any identity... ©Anup Kr


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