August's embrace, a paradox of fate, Warmth and ch | English Poetry

"August's embrace, a paradox of fate, Warmth and chaos, intertwined like a twisted state, Sun-kissed days, that swiftly turn to night, Unpredictable winds, that leave us in their sight. One moment calm, the next, a raging storm, August's mood swings, leave us forever torn, Between the serenity of a summer's breeze, And the turmoil of a tempest's wild release. The air is thick, with an electric charge, As thunder booms, and lightning flashes large, The skies grow dark, with a foreboding hue, As August's unpredictability, our senses renew. Yet, in this turmoil, lies a beauty rare, A time of transformation, beyond compare, For in the heart of August's unpredictable soul, Lies a power that makes our spirits whole. So let the storms rage on, and the sun shine bright, For in August's unpredictability, we find our light, A time of growth, of change, of life anew, In the midst of chaos, our true selves shine through ©twisha ray"

 August's embrace, a paradox of fate,
Warmth and chaos, intertwined like a twisted state,
Sun-kissed days, that swiftly turn to night,
Unpredictable winds, that leave us in their sight.
One moment calm, the next, a raging storm,
August's mood swings, leave us forever torn,
Between the serenity of a summer's breeze,
And the turmoil of a tempest's wild release.
The air is thick, with an electric charge,
As thunder booms, and lightning flashes large,
The skies grow dark, with a foreboding hue,
As August's unpredictability, our senses renew.
Yet, in this turmoil, lies a beauty rare,
A time of transformation, beyond compare,
For in the heart of August's unpredictable soul,
Lies a power that makes our spirits whole.
So let the storms rage on, and the sun shine bright,
For in August's unpredictability, we find our light,
A time of growth, of change, of life anew,
In the midst of chaos, our true selves shine through

©twisha ray

August's embrace, a paradox of fate, Warmth and chaos, intertwined like a twisted state, Sun-kissed days, that swiftly turn to night, Unpredictable winds, that leave us in their sight. One moment calm, the next, a raging storm, August's mood swings, leave us forever torn, Between the serenity of a summer's breeze, And the turmoil of a tempest's wild release. The air is thick, with an electric charge, As thunder booms, and lightning flashes large, The skies grow dark, with a foreboding hue, As August's unpredictability, our senses renew. Yet, in this turmoil, lies a beauty rare, A time of transformation, beyond compare, For in the heart of August's unpredictable soul, Lies a power that makes our spirits whole. So let the storms rage on, and the sun shine bright, For in August's unpredictability, we find our light, A time of growth, of change, of life anew, In the midst of chaos, our true selves shine through ©twisha ray


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