White A LOOK AT LIFE - 43 BY- SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANT | English Poetry Vi

"White A LOOK AT LIFE - 43 BY- SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY Infinite is the mind and intellect that conceive the idea of Infinity Infinite is our love and passion to be one with it. From infinity we have come, in infinity, we will merge Life is a journey from full to full, from Infinity to Infinity. Whatever exists, existed earlier, will exist in future, nothing can be created out of nothing, nothing can be annihilated without giving rise to something, neither there is any beginning nor end, only transformation from one form to other. Expansion and contraction of the cosmic universe is the only reality, a drop of water in the ocean and ocean in a drop of water, all the same. Out of ignorance, we come under the spell of cosmic illusion, forget our real nature, Truth, Bliss and Absolute, identify ourselves with the body, its pleasure and pain and land us in a pool of sorrow again and again. We are neither the body nor mind and intellect. We are not different but one, the manifestation of Infinity having no birth and death, only transformation from one form to the other with the cosmic consciousness remaining unaffected by the change of form and colour copyright@smrutiranjan 18.7.2017 smrutiweb.wordpress.com smrutitanuja.blogspot.com https://www.facebook.com/titutiku/ ©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty "

White A LOOK AT LIFE - 43 BY- SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY Infinite is the mind and intellect that conceive the idea of Infinity Infinite is our love and passion to be one with it. From infinity we have come, in infinity, we will merge Life is a journey from full to full, from Infinity to Infinity. Whatever exists, existed earlier, will exist in future, nothing can be created out of nothing, nothing can be annihilated without giving rise to something, neither there is any beginning nor end, only transformation from one form to other. Expansion and contraction of the cosmic universe is the only reality, a drop of water in the ocean and ocean in a drop of water, all the same. Out of ignorance, we come under the spell of cosmic illusion, forget our real nature, Truth, Bliss and Absolute, identify ourselves with the body, its pleasure and pain and land us in a pool of sorrow again and again. We are neither the body nor mind and intellect. We are not different but one, the manifestation of Infinity having no birth and death, only transformation from one form to the other with the cosmic consciousness remaining unaffected by the change of form and colour copyright@smrutiranjan 18.7.2017 smrutiweb.wordpress.com smrutitanuja.blogspot.com https://www.facebook.com/titutiku/ ©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

#sawan_2024 A LOOK AT LIFE - 43

Infinite is the mind and intellect
that conceive the idea of Infinity
Infinite is our love and passion to be one with it. From infinity we have come,
in infinity, we will merge

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