White Vishwamitra and Trisanku-2 Since Trisanku c | English Shayari Vi

"White Vishwamitra and Trisanku-2 Since Trisanku could not give a convincing reply, he was chased out of the premises. Horrified at his state, yet still holding on to his demand of leaving the earth in his human form, Trisanku went to Sage Vishwamitra. Sage Vishwamitra was Vasishta's arch-rival. He agreed to help Trisanku. I will organize a great sacrifice and make the Gods accept Trisanku in heaven! declared the sage. By this yagna, the Gods in heavens would respond and come to the sage and agree to his requests. Unfortunately, things did not go exactly the way they were being planned. "We cannot respond to sage Vishwamitra's demand to take an unclean human body into the heavens! This is unheard of! decided the Gods. So, Sage Vishwamitra prayed in vain. No one responded to his efforts. How dare they ignore me thus! fumed Vishwamitra. But who cares! With the power of my penance, I will have my way!! Having said this, Vishwamitra commanded Trisanku to rise to heaven. The energy generated by Vishwamitra's penance swept Trisanku up into the sky, to the very threshold of heaven. Every time Trisanku tried to enter the gates of the heaven, the Gods pushed him away! Things came to head when Indra, the keeper of the skies, pushed Trisanku's body out of the gates of heaven. Trisanku hurtled down to earth. Trisanku would have died instantly on hitting the ground, had he not been saved by Vishwamitra. "Stop! Vishwamitra with his magic, froze Trisanku midway between the earth and heavens. "Ha! I will create my own Heaven and Trisanku will be there! So Vishwamitra created the Trisanku Swarga! That is a parallel heaven! In fact in western astronomy, this is known as the constellation Southern Cross, consisting of four stars! Now the Gods were terrified of Vishwamitra's powers as he was studying to go further; to create not just stars but a whole new race of Gods. The terrified Gods asked the holy sage of the skies, Brihaspati, to intervene. Brihaspati asked Vishwamitra to stop this madness and not to disturb the laws of nature. And the fall out of this interruption was that Trisanku did not enjoy Trisanku Swarga! He hung between heaven and earth; Thus, he was fated to remain fixed in the sky and was transformed into a constellation. ©Sanjoy Khuman "

White Vishwamitra and Trisanku-2 Since Trisanku could not give a convincing reply, he was chased out of the premises. Horrified at his state, yet still holding on to his demand of leaving the earth in his human form, Trisanku went to Sage Vishwamitra. Sage Vishwamitra was Vasishta's arch-rival. He agreed to help Trisanku. I will organize a great sacrifice and make the Gods accept Trisanku in heaven! declared the sage. By this yagna, the Gods in heavens would respond and come to the sage and agree to his requests. Unfortunately, things did not go exactly the way they were being planned. "We cannot respond to sage Vishwamitra's demand to take an unclean human body into the heavens! This is unheard of! decided the Gods. So, Sage Vishwamitra prayed in vain. No one responded to his efforts. How dare they ignore me thus! fumed Vishwamitra. But who cares! With the power of my penance, I will have my way!! Having said this, Vishwamitra commanded Trisanku to rise to heaven. The energy generated by Vishwamitra's penance swept Trisanku up into the sky, to the very threshold of heaven. Every time Trisanku tried to enter the gates of the heaven, the Gods pushed him away! Things came to head when Indra, the keeper of the skies, pushed Trisanku's body out of the gates of heaven. Trisanku hurtled down to earth. Trisanku would have died instantly on hitting the ground, had he not been saved by Vishwamitra. "Stop! Vishwamitra with his magic, froze Trisanku midway between the earth and heavens. "Ha! I will create my own Heaven and Trisanku will be there! So Vishwamitra created the Trisanku Swarga! That is a parallel heaven! In fact in western astronomy, this is known as the constellation Southern Cross, consisting of four stars! Now the Gods were terrified of Vishwamitra's powers as he was studying to go further; to create not just stars but a whole new race of Gods. The terrified Gods asked the holy sage of the skies, Brihaspati, to intervene. Brihaspati asked Vishwamitra to stop this madness and not to disturb the laws of nature. And the fall out of this interruption was that Trisanku did not enjoy Trisanku Swarga! He hung between heaven and earth; Thus, he was fated to remain fixed in the sky and was transformed into a constellation. ©Sanjoy Khuman

#Vishwamitra and Trisanku -2

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