saddest moment of 2018 Are little obstacle happen

"saddest moment of 2018 Are little obstacle happen in your life, are you ever hurt with them Its simply mean you are more stronger then you seem and if it doesn't happen with you then you have to wait for it because untill you can't handle situation when its doesn't happen to you @albabquddusi"

 saddest moment of 2018 Are little obstacle
happen in your life,
are you ever hurt with them
Its simply mean 
you are more stronger then you seem
and if it doesn't happen
with you 
then you have to wait for it
because untill you 
can't handle situation 
when its doesn't happen to you

saddest moment of 2018 Are little obstacle happen in your life, are you ever hurt with them Its simply mean you are more stronger then you seem and if it doesn't happen with you then you have to wait for it because untill you can't handle situation when its doesn't happen to you @albabquddusi

#must it happen @albabquddusi

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