White This is stroy of ancient around 1300s there | English Love Video

"White This is stroy of ancient around 1300s there wase one wise man and worker in rome who works for king and fell love with kings daughter they both love for each other but this man is worker so basically he cant married to kings daughter one day all Villagers knows that this man spolied our reputations and also king also much irritate and angry on this finally kings give order to kill this man plan is simple village bring honeybee and they just join the man with stone and put on honeybess on body honey bees squeez everything and finally hand legs and squeezed and chewed by honeybees so man gives curz to village all with die within days and i came back and take revenge so till that day this urban legend who cames as honeybee manss... ©Ravi Lolariya "

White This is stroy of ancient around 1300s there wase one wise man and worker in rome who works for king and fell love with kings daughter they both love for each other but this man is worker so basically he cant married to kings daughter one day all Villagers knows that this man spolied our reputations and also king also much irritate and angry on this finally kings give order to kill this man plan is simple village bring honeybee and they just join the man with stone and put on honeybess on body honey bees squeez everything and finally hand legs and squeezed and chewed by honeybees so man gives curz to village all with die within days and i came back and take revenge so till that day this urban legend who cames as honeybee manss... ©Ravi Lolariya


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