Self-medicate When I write there are no sides W | English Poetry

"Self-medicate When I write there are no sides When I write it's to self confide I write for the positive things I write for the negative things A loss of a friend or family A thought that may be silly I write to relax and unwind Release the knot in my mind When the writing is all done But it doesn't appeal to everyone Oh well I'm just having fun ©Schizology"


When I write there are no sides
When I write it's to self confide

I write for the positive things
I write for the negative things

A loss of a friend or family
A thought that may be silly

I write to relax and unwind
Release the knot in my mind

When the writing is all done
But it doesn't appeal to everyone

Oh well
I'm just having fun


Self-medicate When I write there are no sides When I write it's to self confide I write for the positive things I write for the negative things A loss of a friend or family A thought that may be silly I write to relax and unwind Release the knot in my mind When the writing is all done But it doesn't appeal to everyone Oh well I'm just having fun ©Schizology


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