Time is precious, fleeting, and rare, A commodity | English Poetry Vid

"Time is precious, fleeting, and rare, A commodity we cannot repair, It slips away, without a care, And leaves us with a solemn despair. Moments lost can never be regained, Opportunities missed, forever pained, The clock ticks on, unashamed, As we struggle to keep pace, constrained. Yet in the face of this ceaseless flow, We must strive to let our spirits glow, Embrace the beauty that life bestows, And cherish each second, as it goes. For though time may seem a fickle friend, It offers us the chance to transcend, To live, to love, and to comprehend, The fleeting nature of our mortal end. So let us make the most of every day, Treasure the memories that come our way, And always remember, come what may, That time is precious, in every way. ©gopi kiran "

Time is precious, fleeting, and rare, A commodity we cannot repair, It slips away, without a care, And leaves us with a solemn despair. Moments lost can never be regained, Opportunities missed, forever pained, The clock ticks on, unashamed, As we struggle to keep pace, constrained. Yet in the face of this ceaseless flow, We must strive to let our spirits glow, Embrace the beauty that life bestows, And cherish each second, as it goes. For though time may seem a fickle friend, It offers us the chance to transcend, To live, to love, and to comprehend, The fleeting nature of our mortal end. So let us make the most of every day, Treasure the memories that come our way, And always remember, come what may, That time is precious, in every way. ©gopi kiran


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