White For someone special... बातें बेशुमार है कर | हिंदी विचार Video

"White For someone special... बातें बेशुमार है करने को मगर अभी वो लफ्ज़ वो अल्फाज़ नहीं है..... इतने भी फांसले नहीं के मिल ना सकें मगर अभी वो रास्ते वो परवाज़ नहीं है..... Soon will connect, will care, will cherish, will nurture, hope to listen from you, hope to see you soon 💛💛 Hope is a fresh breeze that can breathe life into one's soul, and right now, it’s all I can offer you.... Peace...take care dost✌ ©Pawan Shah "

White For someone special... बातें बेशुमार है करने को मगर अभी वो लफ्ज़ वो अल्फाज़ नहीं है..... इतने भी फांसले नहीं के मिल ना सकें मगर अभी वो रास्ते वो परवाज़ नहीं है..... Soon will connect, will care, will cherish, will nurture, hope to listen from you, hope to see you soon 💛💛 Hope is a fresh breeze that can breathe life into one's soul, and right now, it’s all I can offer you.... Peace...take care dost✌ ©Pawan Shah


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