White MY FAVORITE COLOR Twinkling stars in the s | English Poetry

"White MY FAVORITE COLOR Twinkling stars in the sky Shining like a shade of grey My moon, reflecting light, In the darkest of the night. Yes, my preferred color is clear, It is the light hue, the stars and moon wears near. ©Shilpa priya Dash"


 Twinkling stars in the sky
Shining like a shade of grey
My moon, reflecting light,
In the darkest of the night.
Yes, my preferred color is clear,
It is the light hue,
the stars and moon wears near.

©Shilpa priya Dash

White MY FAVORITE COLOR Twinkling stars in the sky Shining like a shade of grey My moon, reflecting light, In the darkest of the night. Yes, my preferred color is clear, It is the light hue, the stars and moon wears near. ©Shilpa priya Dash


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