Life itself can't give us peace, pleasure and love | English Quotes

"Life itself can't give us peace, pleasure and love. Unless we want it Life just gives us time, space and relations. It's up to us how we fill it.... ©Hussain Yusuf Electricwala"

 Life itself can't give us peace, pleasure and love.

Unless we want it

Life just gives us time, space and relations.

It's up to us how we fill it....

©Hussain Yusuf Electricwala

Life itself can't give us peace, pleasure and love. Unless we want it Life just gives us time, space and relations. It's up to us how we fill it.... ©Hussain Yusuf Electricwala

Caption 💜💜

If You want Love, Peace & Pleasure then Accept the way you're & Start Loving the Real You & Everything will fall for you.....
Life Give us Time, Space & Relations.....
Respect Every Relationship time to time, Keep the Circle Small & Value the Relationship........

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