Dear Boys You only live in your world. You care a | English Video

"Dear Boys You only live in your world. You care about no one else, You dont care about consequences, you are a free bird. You are born a rebel, You dont conform to the rules This is just approximately everything they know of you. They dont know the pain. They dont know the struggle. They dont think of the competition, They dont know of all the names you've been called. They dont know that your heart is capable of love They dont know your hands can comfort and caress. They dont know about when you broken irrevocably. They dont know the stigma of being jobless. Mind you, a jobless man and a jobless woman are two very, very different things. They say you see them as sexual objects, but you are seen as a success object. They say the job opportunities are not equal, but in the last job interview, she was selected before you. When you do it, you are a criminal and a potential rapist, but she? She is a childish girl. There are seats in buses, special trains, reservations in jobs, politics, oh I could go on.. but you get the idea. The world is not fair to you. Will never fair to you. But dont hate them.. let them carry on with their agenda. If you want to shatter this divide unequivocally, fight harder. Yes, it is unfair, but let the unfairness be the fuel to your dreams. Keep working relentlessly. Break your limits, keep at the grind. At the end of the day, let them drown in your success, compassion and love. That is when they will hear and acknowledge the other side of the story. Rise, my boys. Yours, Sai."

Dear Boys You only live in your world. You care about no one else, You dont care about consequences, you are a free bird. You are born a rebel, You dont conform to the rules This is just approximately everything they know of you. They dont know the pain. They dont know the struggle. They dont think of the competition, They dont know of all the names you've been called. They dont know that your heart is capable of love They dont know your hands can comfort and caress. They dont know about when you broken irrevocably. They dont know the stigma of being jobless. Mind you, a jobless man and a jobless woman are two very, very different things. They say you see them as sexual objects, but you are seen as a success object. They say the job opportunities are not equal, but in the last job interview, she was selected before you. When you do it, you are a criminal and a potential rapist, but she? She is a childish girl. There are seats in buses, special trains, reservations in jobs, politics, oh I could go on.. but you get the idea. The world is not fair to you. Will never fair to you. But dont hate them.. let them carry on with their agenda. If you want to shatter this divide unequivocally, fight harder. Yes, it is unfair, but let the unfairness be the fuel to your dreams. Keep working relentlessly. Break your limits, keep at the grind. At the end of the day, let them drown in your success, compassion and love. That is when they will hear and acknowledge the other side of the story. Rise, my boys. Yours, Sai.

An open letter to boys.

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