Mayuri Jadhav

Mayuri Jadhav

ice cream lover.....

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#my__opinion #Quotes  
A big-hearted soul does not sentence others on the basis of a single act, but appreciates others through understanding their entire journey.
Have a great day 😇
Stay blessed 🙏

©Mayuri Jadhav


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#My_💓_line #Quotes  

The more we interact with and remain in the company of positive minded people and have positive conversations with them, we give and receive positive energy and the more our past gets erased from my consciousness.

©Mayuri Jadhav


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#Quotes  Leave *something* 
for *someone* ...
Never leave  *someone* 
for *something* ..

*तन जितना घूमता रहे* 
*स्वस्थ रहता है ...*

*मन जितना स्थिर रहे*
*शांत रहता है ...*

©Mayuri Jadhav


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Laughter Show

Laughter Show

Friday, 20 January | 01:21 pm

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When I am able to remain happyunder all circumstances, I am able to be free from the influence of others' negativity. Instead I will be able to become a major source of positive influence to those around me.

©Mayuri Jadhav

# mi .....

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When there is a continuous flow of fresh water into even the most dirty water, gradually the water getting purified. So too I find myself getting internally cleansed of all negativity with a continuous flow of positivity.🪷 ©Mayuri Jadhav

#thought #Quotes  When there is a continuous flow of fresh water into even the most dirty water, gradually the water getting purified.  So too I find myself getting internally cleansed of all negativity with a continuous flow of positivity.🪷

©Mayuri Jadhav


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