Naik Arbaz

Naik Arbaz

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#Broken💔Heart #inspirational #Inspiration #OpenPoetry

#Inspiration �#covidindia �#Motivation #Broken💔Heart #inspirational #OpenPoetry

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the rule of jackle lasts only until the wolf returns ©Naik Arbaz

#EarthDay2021 #Peotry_Lover #Inspiration #quarantine #Quotes  the rule of jackle lasts only until the  wolf returns

©Naik Arbaz

ज़रूरी है if u lie u die mention ur views ©Naik Arbaz

#inspirational #PeotryOnline #Inspiration #HealthyYou #PoetInYou  ज़रूरी है  if u lie u die
mention ur views

©Naik Arbaz

#PoetInYou #Inspiration �#covidindia �#Motivation #HealthyYou #PeotryOnline #thought �#covidindia �#Motivation #inspirational

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big acheivements always starts with small things ©Naik Arbaz

#PeotryOnline #Inspiration #HealthyYou #Hopeless #thought  big acheivements always starts with small things

©Naik Arbaz

#Hopeless #Inspiration �#covidindia �#Motivation #HealthyYou #PeotryOnline #thought

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Health is important because no health no wealth ©Naik Arbaz

#HealthDay2021 #Inspiration #Quotes #Health #Healt  Health is important because no health no wealth

©Naik Arbaz

#Inspiration �#covidindia �#Motivation #Health #HealthDay2021 #Healt #HealthDay2021

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failure is not the opposite of success its root of success,its learning ©Naik Arbaz

#Inspiration #Motivation #covidindia #thought #peotry  failure is not the opposite of success
its root of success,its learning

©Naik Arbaz
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