John Benny

John Benny

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My true and bestfriend is my god jesus christ ©John Benny

#jesusisourbestfriend #GloryToGod #lovegod #Quotes  My true and bestfriend
is my god jesus christ

©John Benny

our bestfriend is our god jesus christ #GloryToGod #jesusisourbestfriend #lovegod

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"Have a jolly life But a holy life" ©John Benny

#GloryToGod #HolyLife #Sitaare #Quotes  "Have a jolly life
  But a holy life"

©John Benny

#Sitaare have a holy life with god #GloryToGod #HolyLife

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#Christianwhatsappstatus #tamilchristiansong #GloryToGod

King Tamil Christian song #GloryToGod #tamilchristiansong #Christianwhatsappstatus

126 View

"God is Good All the time" ©John Benny

#godisgoodallthetime #everythingisjesus #godsgrace #mountain #Godslove  "God is Good
  All the time"

©John Benny

"Trust God and put him first" ©John Benny

#godisgoodallthetime #godisgreat #TrustGod #Sitaare #Quotes  "Trust God and
put him first"

©John Benny

#Sitaare Trust God and put everywhere everytime everything in jesus #Amen #godisgreat #godisgoodallthetime #TrustGod

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