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#sad_shayari  White SOMETHING I LOOK AT-130

         WHY AM I HERE?

In the grip of agony and apathy 
When life questions its own  basis 
Frustration kills the vitals 
Alienation is complete and death looms large
Life seems to have reached a blind end 
When it seems all over
Life loses its breath and goes out of gear
I often ask me a question
Why shall I live?
For whom shall I live?
For what shall I live?
Comes a loving voice from within
'My son! to life, you can't say no
Coz it is my gift on which
You have no right and control
You will live because I want you to.
You will live for yourself till you know the truth.
Who you are? 
From where you have come?
To where you will go?
You will be coming  and going 
No respite from the cycle of birth and death
Until you realise the truth
There is neither birth nor death
I am you and you are me 
I, you, he, we, they and the cosmic universe are but one
From a distance we look different
When you come closer
And unveil the veil of maya
The illusion of  duality vanishes and what remains is pure consciousness, single and unalloyed. 
I know it but 
You have forgotten everything under the spell of maya 
And more identify with the body and mind 
Which you are not actually.
When you will realise, you are pure self,
Truth,  Bliss and Absolute
That will be your last day in the cycle of birth and rebirth
Birth and death, this world and that world will lose meaning and you will go beyond space, causation and time.
Father and son, devotee, devotion and the object of devotion, knowledge its source and the seeker will be one.
There will be no two
Only one and one you'

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

#sad_shayari SOMETHING I LOOK AT-130 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY WHY AM I HERE? In the grip of agony and apathy When life question

153 View

#moon_day  White ଵିଭୁ ଵିଶ୍ବାସ ଥିଲେ,
ତାଙ୍କୁ ହିଁ ଭରସା କର
କିଛି ଵି ସମସ୍ଯା ରହିବନି।
ତାଙ୍କ ସତ୍ତାକୁ ସନ୍ଦେହ ନ କଲେ,
ସଵୁ ତାଙ୍କ କରୁଣାରେ ଘଟେ।
କେଵଳ ତାଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ତମେ ଏଠି,
ତକନମ ଵନ୍ଧୁ ଓ ପରିବାର, 
ସଵୁକିଛି ତାଙ୍କ ଦୟା।
କେଵେ ଵି ଦାବୀ କରନା,
ସେ ସଵୁର ଦାୟିତ୍ୱ ନିଅନ୍ତି,
ଲୋକେ ତମ ଦୁର୍ଦ୍ଦିନ କଥା 
କହି ପରିହାସ କଲେ ଵି,
ସଵୁତ ତାଙ୍କ ଇଛାରେ ହିଁ ଘଟେ।


If you believe in God,
Have faith in Him,
You do not have a problem.
You accept everything as Thy mercy
Without doubting His integrity.
For Him, you are here
For Him your family, friends 
And all that you value the most.
It is His grace 
Never claim it as a matter of right 
God will take care of everything.
You will find His grace and will
In what people say your bad days 
And reconcile to it with a smile on your lips

What is good and bad,
You do not know. 
Your vision and perception are limited. 
You know not what lies beyond.
How can you say 
A situation is good or bad
When you do not know its outcome.
Your God knows it better.
Leave it to Him. 
He is your destiny, means and end
Your cherished object and fulfilment 

If you do not believe in God,
Be your own God
And see the universe 
As an expansion of yours.
You are for yourself 
So also for others 
When you expand 
You become the Whole 
When you contract 
You become a solitary individual 
Struggling for existence.
There is no reason
Why a drop of water can not visualise
Itself as the oceana.

If you do not believe in God,
There is no problem,
If you realise your essential nature.
You live in a thousand bodies,
Die and  born every moment.
You are everywhere 
Your smile and tears,
 Happiness and sorrow,
Agony and ecstasy are but the same.
You eat in thousand mouths 
Speak in thousand voices 
You are Krishna and Sakuni
Bhima, Draupadi and  Dusasan
Karna and Arjuna 
Bhisma and Aswathama 
Dhritarastra, Bidur and the beheaded Belalasen 
You are the vanquished Duryodhan 
And victor Yudhistira 
You are the tears and smile
The wound bleeding perpetually 
You enjoy and endure all these dispassionately 
Without being involved in it
You are truth, bliss and absolute 
You have nothing to do,
Nothing to accomplish 
Only to realise
Who you are actually

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty©

©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

#moon_day ଵିଭୁ ଵିଶ୍ବାସ ଥିଲେ, ତାଙ୍କୁ ହିଁ ଭରସା କର କିଛି ଵି ସମସ୍ଯା ରହିବନି। ତାଙ୍କ ସତ୍ତାକୁ ସନ୍ଦେହ ନ କଲେ, ସଵୁ ତାଙ୍କ କରୁଣାରେ ଘଟେ। କେଵଳ ତାଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ତମ

99 View

#sawan_2024  White A LOOK AT LIFE - 43

Infinite is the mind and intellect
that conceive the idea of Infinity
Infinite is our love and passion to be one with it. From infinity we have come,
in infinity, we will merge

Life is a journey from full to full,
from Infinity to Infinity.
Whatever exists, existed earlier, will exist in future, nothing can be created out of nothing, nothing can be annihilated without giving rise to something, neither there is any beginning nor end, only transformation from one form to other.

Expansion and contraction of 
the cosmic universe is the only reality,
a drop of water in the ocean and ocean in a drop of water, all the same.

Out of ignorance, we come under the spell of cosmic illusion, forget our real nature,
Truth, Bliss and Absolute,
identify ourselves with the body, its pleasure and pain and land us in a pool of sorrow
again and again.

We are neither the body nor mind and intellect.
We are not different but one, the manifestation of Infinity having no birth and death, 
only transformation from one form to the other
with the cosmic consciousness remaining unaffected by the change of form and colour

copyright@smrutiranjan 18.7.2017

©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

#sawan_2024 A LOOK AT LIFE - 43 BY- SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY Infinite is the mind and intellect that conceive the idea of Infinity Infinite is

126 View

#sad_shayari  White SOMETHING I LOOK AT-130

         WHY AM I HERE?

In the grip of agony and apathy 
When life questions its own  basis 
Frustration kills the vitals 
Alienation is complete and death looms large
Life seems to have reached a blind end 
When it seems all over
Life loses its breath and goes out of gear
I often ask me a question
Why shall I live?
For whom shall I live?
For what shall I live?
Comes a loving voice from within
'My son! to life, you can't say no
Coz it is my gift on which
You have no right and control
You will live because I want you to.
You will live for yourself till you know the truth.
Who you are? 
From where you have come?
To where you will go?
You will be coming  and going 
No respite from the cycle of birth and death
Until you realise the truth
There is neither birth nor death
I am you and you are me 
I, you, he, we, they and the cosmic universe are but one
From a distance we look different
When you come closer
And unveil the veil of maya
The illusion of  duality vanishes and what remains is pure consciousness, single and unalloyed. 
I know it but 
You have forgotten everything under the spell of maya 
And more identify with the body and mind 
Which you are not actually.
When you will realise, you are pure self,
Truth,  Bliss and Absolute
That will be your last day in the cycle of birth and rebirth
Birth and death, this world and that world will lose meaning and you will go beyond space, causation and time.
Father and son, devotee, devotion and the object of devotion, knowledge its source and the seeker will be one.
There will be no two
Only one and one you'

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

#sad_shayari SOMETHING I LOOK AT-130 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY WHY AM I HERE? In the grip of agony and apathy When life question

153 View

#moon_day  White ଵିଭୁ ଵିଶ୍ବାସ ଥିଲେ,
ତାଙ୍କୁ ହିଁ ଭରସା କର
କିଛି ଵି ସମସ୍ଯା ରହିବନି।
ତାଙ୍କ ସତ୍ତାକୁ ସନ୍ଦେହ ନ କଲେ,
ସଵୁ ତାଙ୍କ କରୁଣାରେ ଘଟେ।
କେଵଳ ତାଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ତମେ ଏଠି,
ତକନମ ଵନ୍ଧୁ ଓ ପରିବାର, 
ସଵୁକିଛି ତାଙ୍କ ଦୟା।
କେଵେ ଵି ଦାବୀ କରନା,
ସେ ସଵୁର ଦାୟିତ୍ୱ ନିଅନ୍ତି,
ଲୋକେ ତମ ଦୁର୍ଦ୍ଦିନ କଥା 
କହି ପରିହାସ କଲେ ଵି,
ସଵୁତ ତାଙ୍କ ଇଛାରେ ହିଁ ଘଟେ।


If you believe in God,
Have faith in Him,
You do not have a problem.
You accept everything as Thy mercy
Without doubting His integrity.
For Him, you are here
For Him your family, friends 
And all that you value the most.
It is His grace 
Never claim it as a matter of right 
God will take care of everything.
You will find His grace and will
In what people say your bad days 
And reconcile to it with a smile on your lips

What is good and bad,
You do not know. 
Your vision and perception are limited. 
You know not what lies beyond.
How can you say 
A situation is good or bad
When you do not know its outcome.
Your God knows it better.
Leave it to Him. 
He is your destiny, means and end
Your cherished object and fulfilment 

If you do not believe in God,
Be your own God
And see the universe 
As an expansion of yours.
You are for yourself 
So also for others 
When you expand 
You become the Whole 
When you contract 
You become a solitary individual 
Struggling for existence.
There is no reason
Why a drop of water can not visualise
Itself as the oceana.

If you do not believe in God,
There is no problem,
If you realise your essential nature.
You live in a thousand bodies,
Die and  born every moment.
You are everywhere 
Your smile and tears,
 Happiness and sorrow,
Agony and ecstasy are but the same.
You eat in thousand mouths 
Speak in thousand voices 
You are Krishna and Sakuni
Bhima, Draupadi and  Dusasan
Karna and Arjuna 
Bhisma and Aswathama 
Dhritarastra, Bidur and the beheaded Belalasen 
You are the vanquished Duryodhan 
And victor Yudhistira 
You are the tears and smile
The wound bleeding perpetually 
You enjoy and endure all these dispassionately 
Without being involved in it
You are truth, bliss and absolute 
You have nothing to do,
Nothing to accomplish 
Only to realise
Who you are actually

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty©

©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

#moon_day ଵିଭୁ ଵିଶ୍ବାସ ଥିଲେ, ତାଙ୍କୁ ହିଁ ଭରସା କର କିଛି ଵି ସମସ୍ଯା ରହିବନି। ତାଙ୍କ ସତ୍ତାକୁ ସନ୍ଦେହ ନ କଲେ, ସଵୁ ତାଙ୍କ କରୁଣାରେ ଘଟେ। କେଵଳ ତାଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ତମ

99 View

#sawan_2024  White A LOOK AT LIFE - 43

Infinite is the mind and intellect
that conceive the idea of Infinity
Infinite is our love and passion to be one with it. From infinity we have come,
in infinity, we will merge

Life is a journey from full to full,
from Infinity to Infinity.
Whatever exists, existed earlier, will exist in future, nothing can be created out of nothing, nothing can be annihilated without giving rise to something, neither there is any beginning nor end, only transformation from one form to other.

Expansion and contraction of 
the cosmic universe is the only reality,
a drop of water in the ocean and ocean in a drop of water, all the same.

Out of ignorance, we come under the spell of cosmic illusion, forget our real nature,
Truth, Bliss and Absolute,
identify ourselves with the body, its pleasure and pain and land us in a pool of sorrow
again and again.

We are neither the body nor mind and intellect.
We are not different but one, the manifestation of Infinity having no birth and death, 
only transformation from one form to the other
with the cosmic consciousness remaining unaffected by the change of form and colour

copyright@smrutiranjan 18.7.2017

©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

#sawan_2024 A LOOK AT LIFE - 43 BY- SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY Infinite is the mind and intellect that conceive the idea of Infinity Infinite is

126 View

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