The facts is: The rising sun and the setting sun a | English Quotes

"The facts is: The rising sun and the setting sun are beautiful and are admired by all. But no one loves the scrounging heat that same sun provides us in between"

 The facts is:
The rising sun and the setting sun are beautiful and are admired by all.
But no one loves the scrounging heat that same sun provides us in between

The facts is: The rising sun and the setting sun are beautiful and are admired by all. But no one loves the scrounging heat that same sun provides us in between

ironically the beginning and the end are liked by all and the middle part.... the struggling part are hayed by all.
but remember that you can't finish you answer with just an introduction or end it with a simple conclusion with body.
don't try to leave the steps and go to the end enjoy every part of twist and turn that live provides us. #Quotes

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