anonymous me

anonymous me

bound to write because it's only a way to express my feelings

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The darkest night shows the brightest star The darkest moments will show you the purest love

#onesidelove #fellings #Broken #cupid  The darkest night shows the brightest star
The darkest moments will show you the purest love

#Broken #fellings #onesidelove #cupid in the darkest part of your life you will realize how pure was my love for you and then it will be dawn for me. Now that i am in the dark I could see only one star that shone brighter than the other and one day the sun may rise and the most awaited moment will come my love for you will be found on the lowest part of my cupboard of feelings.

4 Love

Prayer i prayed for all your dreams to come true but, what you all did was; removing me from your prayer

#onesidedlove #Broken #single  Prayer  i prayed for all your dreams to come true
what you all did was;
removing me from your prayer

every thing has a reason and so do my feelings for you too #onesidedlove #single #Broken

5 Love

Every time I see you my heart doesn't skip a beat, instead it throbs loudly. my mind doesn't play romantic song in the background, instead it goes completely blank

 Every time I see you my heart doesn't skip a beat, instead it throbs loudly.
my mind doesn't play romantic song in the background, instead
it goes completely blank

everytime I see you, i fall for you in a new style. my brain just focus on you till you vanish away.

5 Love

The facts is: The rising sun and the setting sun are beautiful and are admired by all. But no one loves the scrounging heat that same sun provides us in between

#Quotes #Quote  The facts is:
The rising sun and the setting sun are beautiful and are admired by all.
But no one loves the scrounging heat that same sun provides us in between

ironically the beginning and the end are liked by all and the middle part.... the struggling part are hayed by all. but remember that you can't finish you answer with just an introduction or end it with a simple conclusion with body. don't try to leave the steps and go to the end enjoy every part of twist and turn that live provides us. #Quotes #nojoto

6 Love

You cannot stop me form being who i am. but still you can try to stop me cause game will be worthless if there won't be a competitor.

#Stop  You cannot stop me form being who i am.
but still you can try to stop me
cause game will be worthless if there won't be a competitor.

#Stop try stopping me till you get tired. it will be more fun seeing you lose than myself winning at anycost. avoiding all the nonsensical situation I will move further.

6 Love

Under the sky beneath the tress, there lay a grave with a last wish that stills is unfulfilled "may she always be happy" little did he know that her happiness was in him which died with him leaving promise and wishes both as it is

#Sky  Under the sky beneath the tress, there lay a grave 
with a last wish that stills is unfulfilled
"may she always be happy"
little did he know that her happiness was in him which died with him leaving promise and wishes both as it is

#Sky is vast, and vast indeed is love thats true. who ever does come in your no one can repair the damage that a particular person did. that person though may not exist but their memories does which keep them alive for life. no one in this world can replace mother love for her children 💕💞

8 Love

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