White Hey , Read this at your leisure Listen , I | English Sad

"White Hey , Read this at your leisure Listen , I'm jaded of your memories Your memories always pique me Since we met I was in sombre mood Now that fear of losing you Was killing me from inside As I don't want to lose you My wrath for you was unwarranted Because memories are ubiquitous I should get used to living with them ... ©Writer"

 White Hey , Read this at your leisure 
 Listen , I'm jaded of your memories 
Your memories always pique me 
Since we met 
I was in sombre mood 
Now that fear of losing you 
Was killing me from inside 
As I don't want to lose you 
My wrath for you was unwarranted 
Because memories are ubiquitous 
I should get used to living with them ...


White Hey , Read this at your leisure Listen , I'm jaded of your memories Your memories always pique me Since we met I was in sombre mood Now that fear of losing you Was killing me from inside As I don't want to lose you My wrath for you was unwarranted Because memories are ubiquitous I should get used to living with them ... ©Writer

Leisure: free time( फुर्सत)
Jaded : tired (थका हुआ)
Pique: irritate (परेशान)
Sombre : very sad (उदास)
Now that : because (क्योंकि)
Wrath : anger (गुस्सा)
Unwarranted: unjustified (अनुचित)
Ubiquitous: omnipresent (सर्वव्यापी)

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