Ravan's Foolishness" "Boo-hooo! The priceless Li | English S

""Ravan's Foolishness" "Boo-hooo! The priceless Lingham is stolen! What will I pray to? cried Ravan's mother. "I will fast unto death until I find a fitting replacement," she said sobbing. Now, this flustered Ravan, the powerful, ten-headed demon king of Lanka. Ravan set out to find a replacement for the priceless Lingam. This could only be granted by the great Lord Shiva himself! "I will pray so hard that Lord Shiva will have to grant me my wishes! Ravan decided and travelled up to Mount Kailash where Shiva resided. He began his prayers. First he lit five roaring fires. Ravan somersaulted and stood in the middle of the fires on his head! One thousand years passed! Ravan marked the end of a thousand years by chopping off one of his heads and throwing it into the flames. This went on till ten thousand years passed and Ravan's only one head was left! "My last head is left. Here, great Shiva, I will chop it off too! Just as Ravan was about to sever his head, Shiva appeared! "I am impressed by your self mortifying devotion! Ask for boons and they will be granted! Shiva solemnly announced. Ravan was quick to take up this offer. "Lord Shiva, grant me three wishes! (to be continued) ©Sanjoy Khuman "

"Ravan's Foolishness" "Boo-hooo! The priceless Lingham is stolen! What will I pray to? cried Ravan's mother. "I will fast unto death until I find a fitting replacement," she said sobbing. Now, this flustered Ravan, the powerful, ten-headed demon king of Lanka. Ravan set out to find a replacement for the priceless Lingam. This could only be granted by the great Lord Shiva himself! "I will pray so hard that Lord Shiva will have to grant me my wishes! Ravan decided and travelled up to Mount Kailash where Shiva resided. He began his prayers. First he lit five roaring fires. Ravan somersaulted and stood in the middle of the fires on his head! One thousand years passed! Ravan marked the end of a thousand years by chopping off one of his heads and throwing it into the flames. This went on till ten thousand years passed and Ravan's only one head was left! "My last head is left. Here, great Shiva, I will chop it off too! Just as Ravan was about to sever his head, Shiva appeared! "I am impressed by your self mortifying devotion! Ask for boons and they will be granted! Shiva solemnly announced. Ravan was quick to take up this offer. "Lord Shiva, grant me three wishes! (to be continued) ©Sanjoy Khuman

#ravan's Foolishness

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