अगर कोई ख्वाब टूट जाये तो कैसा हो
अगर कोई अपना रूठ जाए तो कैसा हो
वैसे तो ये दुनिया है हासिनो का मेला
पर अगर कोई बगल से गुज़र के
दिल धड़का जाए तो कैसा हो
Welcome to land of gods
Place full of peace and happiness
I belong to Uttarakhand where life is full of adventures
From morning to evening we go through ventures
From the hills to the planes
River Ganga is spread
Giving blessings and happiness to the people living there
Yes our life is awsome in the hills
As we don't have to worry about the pills
Our day is full of motions and emotions
Then also we live with happiness
You call it treaking we call it hobby
For fetching water we walk miles
Without creating any stress in our mind
You will never understand the pain of a guy from hill
As they never fail to smile
Mohneesh Dabral
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