VAGHELA YOGESH Lives in Vadodara, Gujarat, India

1. "Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it." - Charles R. Swindoll 2. "Your attitude determines your direction in life." - Unknown 3. "Change your attitude and you change your life." - Unknown 4. "The only disability in life is a bad attitude." - Scott Hamilton 5. "Life is too short to spend your time avoiding failure. Embrace it, learn from it, and grow from it." - Unknown 6. "The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams." - Oprah Winfrey 7. "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer 8. "The secret of life is not to do what you like, but to like what you do." - Unknown 9. "Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it." - Charles R. Swindoll 10. "The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts." - Marcus Aurelius

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50 hypothetical 6G APN , separated by commas without spaces: 6g.fota,6g.sota,6g.mota,6g.dapa,6g.cota,6g.eota,6g.pota,6g.nota,6g.vota,6g.mmsc,6g.supp,6g.ims,6g.pcn,6g.wlan,6g.wwan,6g.aut,6g.hc,6g.fin,6g.its,6g.m2m,6g.iot,6g.amc,6g.hrc,6g.vrc,6g.arc,6g.smc,6g.btc,6g.nfc,6g.rfc,6g.tmc,6g.etc,6g.sec,6g.psc,6g.esc,6g.dsc,6g.vsc,6g.isc,,6g.msc,6g.lsc,6g.osc,6g.xrc,6g.sxc,6g.qrc,6g.ssc,6g.egc,6g.urc,6g.zrc,6g.trcSure, here are the URLs: - []( - [www.ins

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