Manish kanta

Manish kanta Lives in Bankura, West Bengal, India

hobby_chatting,gossiping,writing, singing,cooking,friendship

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Please make me that much good  like that of my carefree childhood ©Manish kanta

#neerajchopra  Please make me
 that much good 
like that of my
 carefree childhood

©Manish kanta

to live like a child #neerajchopra

8 Love

There I wait  Please give me  a glimpse  But you're not  there  You always have  a lunar eclipse ©Manish kanta

#lotus  There I wait 
Please give me 
a glimpse 
But you're not 
You always have 
a lunar eclipse

©Manish kanta

love feel #lotus

9 Love

It's no use beating a dead horse  Loss is already a loss  Let's not toss  Let's see the boundaries  and try to cross  Let's our lives gather no moss ©Manish kanta

#neerajchopra  It's no use beating a dead horse 
Loss is already a loss 
Let's not toss 
Let's see the boundaries 
and try to cross 
Let's our lives gather no moss

©Manish kanta

overcome odds #neerajchopra

8 Love

When I feel lost I'm not upset because I must strive to reach the destined gate ©Manish kanta

#lostme  When I feel lost
I'm not upset
because I must strive
to reach the destined gate

©Manish kanta


10 Love

O my dear  I feel you very near  but you give me no care  neither you give me a stare  Don't have I any value to bear?  These days I've a fear  that you're probably making  me former ©Manish kanta

#neerajchopra  O my dear 
I feel you very near 
but you give me no care 
neither you give me a stare 
Don't have I any value to bear? 
These days I've a fear 
that you're probably making 
me former

©Manish kanta

break-up alarm #neerajchopra

6 Love

Evil thoughts are rotten They leave good things forgotten ©Manish kanta

#Grassland  Evil thoughts are rotten
They leave good things forgotten

©Manish kanta

Be fair #Grassland

11 Love

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