Ziya Sayed

Ziya Sayed Lives in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

AankhO se padhne wale kabh¡ nahi samaj sakte k¡ l¡khne wale kay l¡khte ha¡🦋 “I wr¡te what ¡ feel, & ¡ feel what ¡ wr¡te🦋” "Queen👑 ¡s nOt afra¡d tO fa¡l🦋"

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MOhabbat ha¡n tumse ¡sl¡ye nazar andaaz nah¡ k¡ya tumkO, warna Be-Rukhi tumse kay¡ behtar jaante ha¡ hum Pehla Pyar🦋RK

#story  MOhabbat ha¡n tumse
¡sl¡ye nazar andaaz
nah¡ k¡ya tumkO,
warna Be-Rukhi tumse
kay¡ behtar jaante ha¡ hum

                                                            Pehla Pyar🦋RK


13 Love

Ka¡se karO mukadma us per usk¡ bewafa¡ ka kambhakht ye d¡l bh¡ us¡ ka waqeel n¡kla Pehla Pyar🦋RK

#aadhurimohabbat #story  Ka¡se karO mukadma
us per usk¡ bewafa¡ ka
kambhakht ye d¡l bh¡ us¡ 
ka waqeel n¡kla

                                                          Pehla Pyar🦋RK

Freedom St¡ll a dream🦋

#Freedom #story  Freedom St¡ll a dream🦋

#Freedom #Dream🦋

6 Love

Hope of life I've surv¡ved th¡ngs that have k¡lled Others my l¡fe ¡s a message Of hOpe🦋

#story  Hope of life    I've surv¡ved th¡ngs that
have k¡lled Others 
my l¡fe ¡s a 
message Of hOpe🦋


9 Love

The words in the letter Laga kar aag shehr kO zalim badshah ne kaha utha ha¡ aaj d¡l me tamashe ka shOq bOhat jhuka kar sar sabh¡ shah parast bOl uthe huzOOr ka shOq salamat rahe shehr Or bOhat ha¡n🦋

#Free_Kashmir🦋 #story  The words in the letter  Laga kar aag shehr kO
zalim badshah ne kaha
utha ha¡ aaj d¡l me
tamashe ka shOq bOhat
jhuka kar sar sabh¡ shah parast
 bOl uthe
huzOOr ka shOq salamat rahe
shehr Or bOhat ha¡n🦋

Come back Fursat m¡le tOh laut Aana ma¡n aaj bh¡ tere ¡nteZaar ma¡n hOON Pehla Pyar 🦋RK

#MissYou🦋as #story  Come back  Fursat m¡le tOh
laut Aana
ma¡n aaj bh¡ tere
¡nteZaar ma¡n hOON

                       Pehla Pyar 🦋RK

#MissYou🦋as always

10 Love

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