Sabir Sheikh

Sabir Sheikh Lives in Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

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Jk ayaz

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Akhtar bhai

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Real man like only

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Eid Mubarak

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My Best Friend “Being a good friend is to understand, not to agree, to forgive, not to forget, and to keep your memories, even if contact is lost. No matter where our life takes us, we will always remain friends of soul and we will remind ourselves of all the moments spent together!” Happy Friendship day ❤️❤️

 My Best Friend “Being a good friend is to understand, not to agree, to forgive, not to forget, and to keep your memories, even if contact is lost. No matter where our life takes us, we will always remain friends of soul and we will remind ourselves of all the moments spent together!”
   Happy Friendship day ❤️❤️

My Best Friend “Being a good friend is to understand, not to agree, to forgive, not to forget, and to keep your memories, even if contact is lost. No matter where our life takes us, we will always remain friends of soul and we will remind ourselves of all the moments spent together!” Happy Friendship day ❤️❤️

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