Shreya Soni

Shreya Soni


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#Likho  POETRY
Rythmical creation of beauty in words
Chiseled marble of Language.
Paint spattered canvas
Shallow rivers flowing on its sandy bed
Escape from emotions
Alphabet of Literature
Riddle wrapped in an enigma, 
sweathed in a cardigan sweater
Teracota temples and their replica in Art
Economy of Language
Song of heart and
Language of love

©Shreya Soni


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NOTHING IS PERMANENT This day,next day, next moment, Our life itself is mortal,our habits,feelings,emotions, Our succes,failure,poverty, richness, joy, sadness, Our friends, relatives,the person we loves the most, Those people who makes our life better, not even our blood relations. Either its natural phenomena, natural beauty, or even seasons are not permanent. Leaves starts falling in seasons, New branches starts to bloom, Flowers are all over and No more gloom. Cyclone,thunder, storm, lightening,typhoon,hurricanes All are the instances of changing cycle, Its a natural law and complete cycle, Nothing stays as a matter of miracle, Then why are we seeking for permanence in this kaelidoscopic world. 💔🥀 ©Shreya Soni

#nothinglastsforever  NOTHING IS PERMANENT

This day,next day, next moment,
Our life itself is mortal,our habits,feelings,emotions,
Our succes,failure,poverty, richness, joy, sadness,
Our friends, relatives,the person we loves the most,
Those people who makes our life better, not even our blood relations.

Either its natural phenomena, natural beauty, 
or even seasons are not permanent.
Leaves starts falling in seasons,
New branches starts to bloom,
Flowers are all over and No more gloom.

Cyclone,thunder, storm, lightening,typhoon,hurricanes 
All are the instances of changing cycle,
Its a natural law and complete cycle,
Nothing stays as a matter of miracle,
Then why are we seeking for permanence in this kaelidoscopic world.

©Shreya Soni

She was like rains And he being the earth The petrichor that dwelled When they meet Made him a Pluviophile 😍😍 ©Shreya Soni

#thought  She was like rains
And he being the earth

The petrichor that dwelled
When they meet
Made him a Pluviophile 😍😍

©Shreya Soni


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We are all eccedentesiast In the world of living dead lives. Seeking for real happiness 😊😊 ©Shreya Soni

#Quotes #Soul  We are all eccedentesiast 
In the world of living dead lives. 
Seeking for real happiness 😊😊

©Shreya Soni


1 Love

In Today's Context........ To make place in someone's heart its necessary to be either beautiful/smart or person with money and power😊😊 ©Shreya Soni

#thought  In Today's Context........
To make place in someone's heart
its necessary to be either beautiful/smart or person with money and power😊😊

©Shreya Soni


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