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#successandfailure #nojatoquotes #poem_lover #poemaday  journey to Success

climb the steps one by one 
for oneday it will be done 
your mind body and soul will sing
"success what i can achieve".

No matters what comes your way
Never decide to run away
From problem, issues and compliment
For deep within you , There is true determination.

Never get disheartened if you fail
"First attempt in leaning , what it mean" .
you can overcome once you've failed
If you are really keen!.

Many more attempt you make
untill it your final take 
Then youl see your gaol not very far 
Now you realise your true potential and who really you are !

success doesn't not age 
success where you find your happiness
success is not final , failure is not fatal.  Its courage to raise up agin .
your pain and hardworking will give sweet fruit  .


"Successfulness came from the loser ". #successandfailure #nojatoquotes #poemaday #poem_lover

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old love school Honey ,give me that old love school pure ane white like a beautiful dove The kind of love that was blessed from above Like black day in life.. . That old love school where we spend thousands of hours over the telephone talking about absolutely nothing,in our zone. Hug me so tightly steal my heart real quickly. Baby its yours make me forget I've ever been hurt. Taking thousand of pictures ,not to post in online but to show our kids that falling and staying in love with one person is fine. Give That old love school where love may make me restless but its make me satisfy i knew the depth of our love when i miss you , and your lying in my arms.. old school love , Like night creeps into sunset presenting into a with moon, you crept into my heart playing melodious tune, waiting for me, to say ,that i love you. ©Adipurkayastha

#myownpoetry✍ #OldSchoolLove #lovepoems #intimacy  old love school 

Honey ,give me that old love school 
pure ane white like a beautiful dove
The kind of love that was blessed from above
Like black day in life..
That old love school
where we spend thousands of hours over the telephone
talking about absolutely nothing,in our  zone.
Hug me so tightly
steal my heart real quickly.

Baby its yours
make me forget I've ever been hurt.
Taking thousand of pictures ,not to post in online
but to show our kids that falling and staying in love with one person is fine.
Give That old love school 
where love may make me restless
but its make me satisfy 
i knew the depth of our  love
when i miss you ,
and your lying in my arms..

old school love ,
Like night creeps into sunset presenting into a with moon,
you crept into my heart playing melodious tune,
waiting for me, to say ,that i love you.

#kuchbaateindilki💕💕 #love_at_first_sight #voiceofheart #RishtaDilKa #hinsipoems #poem
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