With crown bestowed 
with colourful eye like brigh
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With crown bestowed with colourful eye like bright blue -brown feathers with strain of your flute you cherish every heart! You, the beginning of Mahabharata & You, the conqueror of virtue You, the draupadi's saviour & You, the Arjun's charioteer You resides everywhere! You! The almighty God Your preaching still carries in KURUKSHETRA & your divine love is always in the heart of DWARKA! You, the God of universe And a source of positive vibration in our heart! Love ❤ -AD

#peace  With crown bestowed 
with colourful eye like bright blue -brown feathers 
with strain of your flute 
you cherish every heart! 

You, the beginning of Mahabharata 
& You, the conqueror of virtue 
You, the draupadi's saviour 
& You, the Arjun's charioteer
You resides everywhere! 

You! The almighty God 
Your preaching still carries in KURUKSHETRA
& your divine love is always in the heart of DWARKA!
You, the God of universe 
And a source of positive vibration in our heart! 
Love ❤



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