They kidnapped me when I was 17
Torn from my famil
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 They kidnapped me when I was 17
Torn from my family, my life turned upside down
No longer free to roam, no longer able to dream
Trapped in a nightmare, in a world of unseen

Locked away in chains, a prisoner of their greed
Forced to obey, forced to comply with their every need
I longed for escape, for freedom from this hell
But their grip was tight, my spirit began to quell

Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to years
I lost track of time, lost track of my fears
But deep within me, a fire still burned
A flame of hope, a lesson learned

I never forgot who I was, where I came from
I clung to memories of laughter, of love undone
And when the chance finally came, I took my chance
I broke free from my captors, I took my stance

Now I stand here, a survivor of their cruel game
Stronger, braver, forever changed
They may have kidnapped me when I was 17
But they never broke my spirit, they never killed my dream.

©Heer Khanna

True Story #Life #Life_experience #kidnap #crime #heerkhanna #Support #raiseyourvoice #SAD

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