Roshni Yadav

Roshni Yadav

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People slow down by looking at the face but the whole life is just a game of understanding ©Roshni Yadav

#Beauty #MySun  People slow down by looking at the face but the whole life is just a game of understanding

©Roshni Yadav

To understand Gandhiji, one must have Gandhiji-like thinking. ©Roshni Yadav

#gandhijayanti #Bapu  To understand Gandhiji, one must have Gandhiji-like thinking.

©Roshni Yadav

me and my mother ©Roshni Yadav

#teaandyou #Maa❤  me and my mother

©Roshni Yadav

Love never taught me to vote, she becomes immortal even after she dies. ©Roshni Yadav

#NatureLove  Love never taught me to vote, she becomes immortal even after she dies.

©Roshni Yadav

#love💕 #NatureLove

10 Love

#pyaarimaa #Birth #girl
#BelieversTalk #polit #poor #rich
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